By default, files and folders saved to an Xsan volume are read-only for other users.
Xsan 1.3 or earlier: If desired, you can use Get Info in the Finder to give other users write access to files or folders that you’ve saved to an Xsan Volume.
For Xsan 1.4 or later: If your Xsan Clients are running Mac OS X 10.4 or Mac OS X Server 10.4 and are using Open Directory for directory services, Access Control Lists can be used to manage permissions on files and folders saved to the Xsan volume. For information about configuring ACLs for Mac OS X and Xsan, refer to the Xsan Admin Guide and the Mac OS X Server File Services Administration Guide:
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Note: See this article if using Xsan in conjunction with Stornext clients.
If you're comfortable with AppleScript, you can create a script (see below) that'll add the group write permission for you instead of using Get Info. Once you've got the script, simply drop a file onto the script in the Finder and it'll add the group write permission. To create the script, copy this text into Script Editor and edit it as needed:
on open foo try repeat with x from 1 to number of items in foo set foo2 to item x of foo set the foo3 to the quoted form of the POSIX path of foo2 do shell script ("/bin/chmod -R g+wX " & foo3) end repeat end try end open
If you’d prefer to provide write access to users in your group and to all other users, replace the line:
do shell script ("/bin/chmod -R g+wX " & foo3)with:
do shell script ("/bin/chmod -R go+wX " & foo3)
When you save the script, be sure to save it as an Application.