Sometimes the SASLRealm will be set to different values on an Open Directory master and its replicas. This can happen when a master doesn't have the correct hostname; it's not an issue in the absence of replicas. The symptoms you see are:
When you create or set users passwords, the SASLRealm for that password server is used to create the DIGEST-MD5 hashes. This password will work on all password servers that also have the same SASLRealm setting. They will not work on password servers with a different SASLRealm setting. Note: other authentication methods will work.
Applications that use DIGEST-MD5 are LoginWindow, and SSH when Kerberos is not used.
To resolve the issue:
<key>SASLRealm</key> <string></string>If the file does not have an SASLRealm entry add one before the </dict>.
killall PasswordService
You should test an affected user account with both of these commands. Run them on the master and the replicas.
To test for DIGEST-MD5 authentication:
dirt -u <username> -p <password>
If this works, the last line will be "Success". To test another method, SMB-NT:
dirt -a nt --u <username> -p <password>
If this works, the last line will be "Good".
If the first test says the password is incorrect and the second one works, then the user needs a password reset.
pwpolicy -a diradmin -p <diradmin's password> -u <user account> -setpassword <password>