Videos labeled TV Shows in iTunes don‘t appear on iPod

Issue or Symptom

iTunes 6.0.2 or later includes an option to select "TV Show" as a "Video Kind" for videos that were not purchased from the iTunes Store.

While iTunes will respect this selection, you will not be able to see those videos listed on your iPod by selecting Videos > TV Shows. TV Shows purchased from the iTunes Store will show up as expected.


To make these videos visible as TV Shows on your iPod, follow the steps below:

  1. Update to iTunes 7.0 or later.
  2. Select the affected video and choose Get Info from the File menu.
  3. In the Video tab, select TV Show and then make sure that at a minimum a value is entered in the Show field.
  4. You can optionally enter values for Episode ID, Episode Number and Season Number
  5. Click OK and resync your iPod

Published Date: Oct 11, 2016