DVD Studio Pro 4 allows you to author DVDs with high definition (HD) video that conform to the HD DVD standard. There are two H.264 presets in Compressor 2 for encoding video for an HD DVD project.
If you customize one of these presets by increasing the bit rate of the H.264 stream, you may get a "Formatting failed" error and the log would list "Muxer Bit Rate Too High" when you build your project in DVD Studio Pro. This can occur when you set the bit rate higher than the preset bit rate.
Either lower the bit rate in your custom Compressor preset, or turn off frame controls.
You can adjust the bit rate with the Bit Rate slider in the Encoder pane of the Compressor Inspector window.
You can turn off frame controls in the Frame Controls pane of the Compressor Inspector window.
Note: This issue will not occur if you use either of the presets (HD DVD H.264 60 minutes or HD DVD H.264 90 minutes) in the default configuration.
This document will be updated as more information becomes available.