Logic: Some languages appear twice in Finder Info window

After updating Logic Pro/Express, one or more languages are duplicated in the Info window for Logic (the window that appears if you select Logic in the Finder then choose File > Get Info).


This happens if you have disabled one or more languages in the Info window before updating Logic. To prevent the issue, make sure all languages are enabled before updating. If you have already updated and have the issue, use these steps to resolve it:

  1. Go to your Applications folder.
  2. Drag the Logic Pro or Logic Express application to the Trash.
  3. Still in the Finder, choose Go > Home.
  4. Open the Library folder, then the Receipts folder inside it.
  5. Drag any Logic Pro or Logic Express receipts to the Trash.
  6. Reinstall Logic Pro (or Logic Express) from the installation DVD. It is sufficient to do a custom install and simply install the Logic application.
  7. Update to the latest version of Logic.

If you wish to disable languages, that's OK, but be sure to re-enable them before future updates.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012