The G3 Read Me file states:
If you have Ethernet selected in the AppleTalk Control Panel, you should disconnect any LocalTalk cable. A software condition prevents having a LocalTalk cable connected to the computer if the AppleTalk Control Panel is not set to the Modem or Printer port. If you wish to switch between Ethernet and LocalTalk, you must disconnect the LocalTalk cable when you switch to Ethernet.
Based on this statement, some people have assumed that the LocalTalk Bridge is not compatible with the G3. This is not true. When the LocalTalk Bridge is running, AppleTalk is active on both the Ethernet and LocalTalk ports. The statement above applies only to the case where the computer is physically connected to a LocalTalk network but AppleTalk is not active on the LocalTalk port.
Note: The software condition mentioned in the Read Me has been fixed in Mac OS 8.1.