Learn how to use Remote Desktop 2 to control a VNC Server via an ssh tunnel.
Note: If you don't have the AppleVNCServer running on your machine, you can forward port 5900 and skip step 4.
- Open an ssh connection to a remote computer to port forward the port:
ssh -L 5910:remoteserver.apple.com:5900 -f -N user@remoteserver.apple.com
- Enter the password as you would in a typical ssh connection.
- Open Remote Desktop and add to the list with the name and password of the remote machine. Add to the list without verifying the password.
- Get Info on the computer you added and click the Edit button.
- Add the port number from step 1 (in this example, 5910). Be sure to add a colon between the IP Address and the port number, such as "".
- Click Done. When you control or observe the "" machine, you will be accessing the remote computer.
Note: Remote Desktop 3 introduces an option to encrypt all network data, which uses an ssh tunnel when controlling or observing.