Aperture: Changes to keyboard shortcuts in version 1.5

Some of the keyboard shortcuts in Aperture have changed in version 1.5. Here's a summary of what's different:

Applying Ratings to images

In previous versions, the shortcuts to apply ratings were CommandOption rating number 1-5 (i.e. CommandOption3 to apply a three star rating). This is now simply number 1-5 (press the 3 key to apply a 3 star rating). It is also possible to apply ratings by using Commandnumber 1-5, which matches the keyboard shortcuts for rating images in iPhoto."

The shortcuts to increase and decrease ratings have also changed:

Some keyboard shortcuts dealing with applying a rating of reject have changed:


In previous versions, keywords from the Keyword buttons on the Control Bar were assigned using the 1-9 number keys. In Aperture 1.5 this is done using Option1-9. In Aperture 1.5, the keyboard shortcuts 1-9 are an alternate way of applying ratings to images.

To add a new keyword, press Option` (was previously 9).

To remove keywords from images, press OptionShiftkeyword number (i.e. OptionShift4 to remove the keyword from button 4). This was previously done with Shiftnumber 1-8.

To remove all keywords press OptionShift9 (was previously Shift9).

To summarize, Option has been added to all the keyboard shortcuts for working with keywords.

Changes to Built-in Layouts

The built-in layouts in Aperture 1.5 have been simplified. There are now three built-in layouts: The following layouts have been removed: Note that if you configured buttons in the toolbar for any of the above layouts, the buttons will continue to work, although the associated keyboard shortcuts will not. If you remove a button for a legacy layout in Aperture 1.5, there is no way to get it back.

Control Bar and Inspectors

In previous versions the Control Bar was toggled with ShiftD. This is now done simply with D. Shift D now toggles the Keyword buttons on the Control Bar.

To show Archive in the Metadata Inspector, press ControlR (was previously ControlA).

To toggle the Adjustments Inspector, press ControlA.

Loupe Controls

The keyboard shortcuts to adjust the size of the Loupe have changed:

To switch between the new Centered Loupe and the classic Loupe, press Command~.

To detach the Loupe from the cursor (classic Loupe only), press ~.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012