Mac OS X 10.4: Speech Commands window is empty

Issue or symptom

When using Speakable Items in Mac OS X 10.4, the Speech Commands window may be empty (blank) and Speakable Items may not respond to any spoken commands.


This can happen if Address Book contains any Company cards that have no name in the Company field.

  1. From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
  2. From the View menu, choose Speech.
  3. Click the Speech Recognition tab.
  4. Click the Off button next to Speakable Items.
  5. Click the Commands tab.
  6. Select Address Book from the list of command sets.
  7. Click the Configure button.
  8. Deselect any entries named "(null)".

  9. Click Save when done.
  10. Click the On button next to Speakable Items.

Additional information

If you would prefer to make the "(null)" address cards speakable, use these steps instead of the steps above:

  1. Open Address Book (/Applications/Address Book).
  2. Look at all cards that have been designated as a Company (icon looks like buildings) and make sure each of these cards has a name entered in the Company field, even if there is already a name entered in the First and Last fields.
  3. Turn Speakable Items off, then back on.

Note: If you see "(null)" Address Book cards on an Intel-based Mac, and the Speech Commands window is not blank, see this article instead.

For other tips about using spoken commands see this article.

This document will be updated as more information becomes available.


Published Date: Feb 20, 2012