Changes in Aperture 1.5.1
Aperture 1.5.1 addresses more than 100 issues related to overall reliability and performance in all areas of the application. Here is a partial summary of the specific issues that have been addressed in this release:
- Fixed some issues that prevented keywords from being properly added to or deleted from the Keyword HUD.
- Sorting of keywords in the Keyword HUD is now case-insensitive.
- Improved reliability when importing keyword list from a text file.
- Shift–clicking the Keyword button now correctly removes the corresponding keyword from the selected image(s).
- Multiple keywords applied to a single image and exported using XMP sidecar files now appear as separate keywords when viewed in applications such as Extensis Portfolio.
- The most recent setting for the size of the Loupe is now retained for subsequent work sessions.
- Contextual menu commands for Loupe are now accessible via the the contextual menu on the Light Table.
- Improved reliability when using the Loupe while making adjustments in book and web gallery views.
- Crop aspect ratio is now properly retained after deselecting a cropped image.
- Crop tool no longer reverts to the "1:1" setting when returning to a cropped image.
- Improved responsiveness when making Adjustments when the "Maintain Previews for Project" option is activated.
- Improved responsiveness while Previews are being generated.
- Previews for versions are all now correctly deleted when versions are deleted.
- Duplicating an adjusted version automatically generates an up-to-date preview.
- New previews are now automatically generated for duplicate versions.
Metadata presets
- Addressed issue with metadata presets in Import and Batch Change that prevented users from updating fields.
File renaming
- File naming changes applied during a relocate or consolidate operation are now properly updated in the database.
iPhoto Library import
- Improved reliability when importing an entire iPhoto Library or selected albums into Aperture.
- Watermarks now scale properly when applied on export.
- Improved reliability when relocating the contents of an entire Library.
- Dialog now warns that consolidating images may revert files to their original names.
- Exporting or relocating a selected group of images while renaming them with a format that uses a counter or sequence now correctly preserves the order of images.
Managing Referenced Files
- Improved reliability when using Manage Referenced Files to reconnect to master images.
- Improved reliability when reconnecting to images that have been moved to a DVD/CD.
- The Mount/Unmount button in Manage Referenced Files dialog now properly updates Volume status.
Lift & Stamp
- Resolved a database issue that occurred when using Lift and Stamp with the Create new versions when making adjustments preference turned on.
- Keywords that are "lifted" and then deleted from the Lift & Stamp HUD are now omitted when stamped.
Print dialog
- Image preview resizes correctly when the Print dialog is resized.
- Changes to Colorsync profile and gamma settings in the Print dialog are now correctly reflected in the image preview in the Print dialog.
AppleScript and Automator
- Fixed an issue that occurred when exporting Versions with Current Version Name using Automator.
- The Extract Metadata Action now properly exports the selected metadata when used in an Automator workflow.
Image Deletion
- Fixed an issue that could occur when deleting duplicate versions in List View.
- The Delete Project dialog box now displays the name of the project being deleted.
- Fixed an issue which could cause performance to degrade after deleting Externally Edited images.
- Aperture's database now properly reflects the deletion of referenced images that are stored on a network volume.
Miscellaneous issues addressed
- Improved reliability when exporting Projects.
- Aperture now properly validates and runs on 1.8 GHz iMac with NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 graphics card.
- Improved performance when switching in and out of Full Screen mode.
- Aperture no longer allows users to create folders with a period (.) as the first character.
- Pressing Option–Zero now clears rating from Compare image.
- Fixed an issue that prevented images with a "@" in the filename to be properly copied to a Vault.
- Fixed an issue with Autostacking offline images when in List View.
- Captions for books that were created using previous versions of Aperture are now correctly linked.
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