Symptom or Issue
If you rename a contact using "quick contact"—by changing the name in the First and Last Name fields, you may not be able to filter your messages by that changed name using the Webmail Search field.
The Webmail Search field searches through your message headers. Often when you receive a message in your inbox, it arrives with a first and last name already associated with it. The Webmail Search field looks for precisely that original first and last name. The Webmail Search field also looks for the email address. It doesn't look for the "quick contact" information you have entered.
There are two ways to deal with this:
- Enter email address in Webmail Search field
You can retrieve all messages sent from a particular email address if you enter that email address in the Webmail Search field. The Search field will often find the messages even when you've only typed the beginning of the address.
- Sort by "From:"
If you want to search for email messages from a contact whose name you have changed in your .Mac Address Book, you can sort your webmail by sender by clicking on the "From" category at the top of the sender column. Then your messages will all be ordered by who sent you the message, and all mail from that contact will be grouped together.