Now that you've got access to everything that the iTunes Store has to offer, let's go shopping! If you like the feeling of being a kid in a candy store, feel free to roam the virtual aisles without our guidance. Or settle in here to get an overview of the stores within the store and how to navigate through everything.
If you're not already in the iTunes Store, go there now (just click iTunes Store in the iTunes Source list). Notice the navigation bar above the iTunes Store page, right below the iTunes display? No matter where you are in the store, you can click the back and forward arrow buttons, the home tab (the button with the house), and any tabs that mark the path you've traveled to jump back and forth to previous locations, like you do with your web browser. Any time you want to go back to the iTunes Store homepage, just click the home tab.
Use the navigation buttons and tabs at the top of the pane to get around the iTunes Store.
Want a little tour before you explore? Read on to discover the iTunes Store sections and special features.
The iTunes Store homepage gives you quick access to the various sections in the store and features some highlights and exclusives that you won't want to miss. The homepage layout is used in other areas of the iTunes Store too. If you click Audiobooks in the left column, you'll be taken to the audiobooks store page, which looks just like the homepage except that you'll see audiobook images and content instead of albums. Likewise, if you choose any media category in the top left column, you'll get a page that has the same look and feel except it's geared toward your chosen media preference. Here's a look at the sections you'll find on most store pages.
Check out the three top panes to see the latest releases and exclusives.
At the top of the page, you'll see three rotating panels that change over time. This is where we highlight new items, exclusive content, and other things that are sure to spark interest. To get more details, just click the item to go to its page.
Starting from the Top
If you have a favorite media, and don't want to be bothered with all the rest, just click any of the iTunes Store pane categories, and bam, you've got everything you ever wanted in that category laid out before your eyes. Choose from Music, Movies, TV Shows1, Music Videos, Audiobooks, Podcasts, or even iPod Games. One click and you're in heaven.
View Videos
iTunes isn't just about music—you can watch videos right in your iTunes window too. And if you have a Fifth Generation iPod (with video), you can transfer videos from your iTunes library to your iPod. If you need a little visual stimulation, check out the music videos, TV shows, and in the U.S. movies and movie trailers available in the iTunes Store.
Find What you want Fast in the iTunes Store Pane
If you came shopping with a specific media in mind—you just have to find out what happened on that episode of LOST you missed—click TV Shows in the iTunes Store pane to go to the TV Shows page, or click Movies or Music Videos for similar pages. The new page will share the same layout but the middle section will break-out the media into easy-to-browse categories that make your shopping target a cinch to find!
If you're looking for podcasts or audiobooks, click the Podcasts or Audiobooks link to visit those stores. If you want to learn more about finding and subscribing to podcasts, see "Plug into Podcasts." We'll talk more about how to find and purchase audiobooks (as well as music) in "Browse and Buy Books and Music."
Just Looking- For Video Suggestions?
If you’re in the mood for video—but aren’t sure quite what—check out the Top Movies, Top TV Episodes, or Top Music Videos panes. Each pane is a top-10 best-sellers list. Click the pane title to go to the store for that media, or click any top-10 title to go to a page for all the video buzz. You can check out the credits, the plot, customer reviews, or see the trailer. Click the Add Movie button to add the video to your shopping cart, or the Pre-order button to get a bargain on pre-release titles.
Find what's new
In the middle part of the homepage, you'll find some scrollable panes and additional featured items. Here's a look at what you'll generally find in this section.
Scrollable panes
The middle section contains several scrollable panes that let you scroll through a row of corresponding selections and click what you like to go to that selection's page. Some of the panes also have tabs just under the title bar. The tabs let you zero-in on whatever media type you want in that pane topic. Click Alternative, under New Releases, to skip the top-of-the-pop stuff.
The Lastest and Greatest
The New Releases pane contains (no surprise) new media additions. Click the pane's right or left arrow to scroll the album content forward or backward, or click See All to (you guessed it) see all new releases. New Releases displays all new additions by week (we add stuff every Tuesday, so make it a point to swing by the store).
The What’s Hot pane keeps you up to date with what’s currently toping the charts. Chances are, if you’ve heard somebody talking about new music or video, it’s listed here. Click the tabs, or See All, to get a broader look at What’s Hot.
Recommendations—From the Staff
The iTunes store staff keeps up with it all. They not only know what’s hot now, but what was hot in the past, and what will be hot tomorrow. Check out the selections in Staff Favorites if you’re in the mood to expand your collections, or branch out into new areas.
Get exclusive stuff
The EXCLUSIVELY ON iTunes section features exclusive albums by artists that offer special in-studio live performances, choose album tracks, and interviews with the artist about their careers and music. Select an artist in the list to view the album's contents or click See All (or the iTunes Originals header) to view all iTunes Originals albums. To preview any song on any iTunes Originals album, just choose a song in the preview pane and double-click it.
The Exclusives section showcases albums and songs that are iTunes exclusives, meaning you won't find these items anywhere else at that particular time, or prereleases (albums or songs that you can buy right now before the album gets released worldwide). As with the New Releases section, you can use the pane's arrows to scroll through content or click See All to view everything. If you're curious to see what some iTunes Store staffers listen to, check out the Staff Favorites section, while the Just Added section features albums that are new to the iTunes Store.
Get freebies
Who said that nothing in life is free? Check out the songs (and even audiobooks from time to time) in the FREE ON iTunes section for free song downloads (in addition to our free single of the week).
Other items change constantly, depending on what promotions we're running. For example, you may find links to various win-a-free-song redemptions, album pre-orders, new celebrity playlists and iTunes Essentials, and other fun stuff.
In a Hurry?
The Quick Links pane gives you immediate access to additional services like searching, account maintenance, support and other purchasing options like buying and redeeming iTunes gift cards.
If you want a quick way to scope out audio files by genre or sales charts, TV shows and videos, or chart-topping music, click Browse to display the browser, which lists several music genres and store categories including audiobooks and podcasts. Select any item to display a submenu (if applicable) in the next pane and keep picking stuff until you find what you want. You should wind up with a list of audio or video files for your selection in the preview pane. To get a 30-second preview of any song or a 20-second preview of any video, just choose an item and double-click it.
Power Search for stuff
If you know what you're looking for, you can search for things by typing names or words in the Search iTunes Store field in the top-right corner of the iTunes window or click Power Search. The Power Search pane provides search fields for Song, Artist, Album, and Composer, as well as a Genre pop-up menu (drop-down menu in Windows) to enter your criteria as needed. This way, you can search for, say, the band "The Killers" without having to see every "killer" song.
Review and change all your important account information, including name, address, credit card numbers, reviewing nickname, and the iTunes Terms of Service and Privacy policies.
Gift-giving options and redemptions
You don't need a credit card to buy music, videos, and audiobooks. You can use iTunes Gift Certificates, Gift Cards, an Allowance, or even redeem free song codes in the iTunes Store. You can also give an Allowance and purchase iTunes Gift Certificates too. Buy and Redeem allows you to purchase and send gift cards, or add funds to an account to allow—or limit—how family members can make iTunes purchases.
Got a Problem?
Support gives you direct access to on-line customer service, billing support, trouble-shooting resources, and general tips and advice for new users.
Just Looking—For Other Suggestions?
Just as the left-side column displays the top-10 lists for video, the right-side column show the top lists for Top Songs, Top Albums, Top Audiobooks, and Top Podcasts.
Today's Top Songs
This pane displays the day's top 10 most downloaded songs. You can click any of the songs listed to go to that album's (or song's) page in which you can preview the song, purchase it, and even buy the entire album. If you want to see all other songs vying for the iTunes Store popularity contest.
Today's Top Albums
Below Top Songs, you'll find a section dedicated to the top downloaded albums of the day. Like the Top Songs, the Top Albums pane displays the current top 10 most downloaded albums—click any album in the list to view that album's page. Click any album to go to that album's page.
Today's Top Audiobooks
Midway down the right column, you'll find a pane that lists the top five most downloaded audiobooks of the day. Click any audiobook to go to that audiobook’s page.
Today's Top Podcasts
At the bottom of the right column, you'll find the list of the top five most downloaded podcasts of the day. Click any podcast to go to that podcast’s page.
Take me to the I Need More Music index Take me to Lesson 3: Browse and Buy Music and Books