iTunes: Motorola phone featuring iTunes may not appear in Source list when connected to MacBook

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When connecting a Motorola phone featuring iTunes to a MacBook, the phone may not appear in iTunes Source list.

Products Affected Solution

Reinstalling the iTunes Phone Driver should resolve this issue:

  1. Quit iTunes.
  2. Navigate to the /System/Library/Extensions folder.
  3. Open the Extensions folder.
  4. Drag the iTunesPhoneDriver.kext file to the Trash.

    Note: You may be prompted to enter your Mac OS X administrator name and password when moving this file to the Trash. Enter your name and password if so prompted and click OK.

  5. Download the latest version of iTunes.
  6. Perform a custom install of iTunes and ensure that only "iTunes Phone Driver" is checked as shown below.
  7. Restart the computer when prompted.

Related documents

301974: "Motorola phone featuring iTunes: Connectivity troubleshooting tips"
301975: "Using a Motorola phone featuring iTunes"
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012