Artbox Still Sequence Support

Disclaimer: Proximity Corporation provided the information in this article and it was deemed accurate as of 30 May 2007. Apple Inc. is not responsible for the article's content. This article is provided as is and may or may not be updated in the future.

This page discusses the capabilities of artbox to support "still sequences" and "composite clips."

Currently, artbox only support poll watching and monitoring, but not scanning, of "still sequences." You can create a poll watcher to watch for entity type "still sequence."

Artbox supports copying from a stillseq plus audio composite clip to anything. This is performed by searching and watching a device for entity type composite clip.

Artbox supports copying from a clip to a "still sequence." This is performed by creating a template which has a wrapper format of "still sequence" with one video track.

Artbox supports copying a clip to a composite clip which can be a "still sequence" clip plus an audio clip. The template editor now supports creating these double wrapper templates.

Artbox does not support copying to a "still sequence" and creating an asset from it. This is true for all destination device types.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012