PowerBook G3 Series: Wake on Ring not Supported

This article discusses the Wake on Ring function of the PowerBook G3 Series.
Note: Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series computers should not be confused with Macintosh PowerBook G3 computers. Though the names are similar, there are significant differences. To visually identify which type of computer you have, close the display and inspect the display case. A Macintosh PowerBook G3 has a small, six-color Apple logo on the display case. A Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series computer has a large Apple logo on the display case that is not six-colored.

Wake on Ring function is not supported on the Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series system. The Wake on Ring function allows the system to wake up when an incoming phone call is detected on the modem port.

The Energy Saver control panel contains the option "Wake up when the modem detects a ring" under the Network Connections section. On the PowerBook G3 Series, you will see this option with it?s checkbox grayed out. Although this may give the impression some additional hardware or software will enable this function, as an unsupported feature, no changes to the system will enable the check box.

Figure 1, Energy Saver control panel

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012