Motion: Video artifacting may occur if VRAM becomes full

Issue or symptom

When Motion is running, and the Video RAM (VRAM) in your graphics card becomes full, it's possible for the display of objects in Motion to become corrupted. This can occur on video cards that meet the System Requirements for Motion, and is more likely to occur on cards that have a relatively low amount of VRAM.

This issue only affects the display of in-project imagery. In other words, Motion's GUI elements are not affected. Also, if this issue occurs, the display of other applications and Mac OS X elements are not affected.

These images illustrate how the artifacts might appear.

The image above illustrates the user's intended effect: A particle system with many star objects.

This image shows the same as above, but with some texture corruption becoming visible as the number of particles increases.

This image shows another frame from the same project as those above.


For Intel-based Macs, download and install the Mac OS X 10.4.10 Update or later.

If you have a PowerPC-based Mac, consider these workarounds:

In the interest of minimizing occurrences of this issue, try these actions to make more VRAM available to Motion:

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012