Mac OS X Server 10.4: Entering Japanese user names in Workgroup Manager

If you are using Japanese as the primary language on your server, use the following steps to create a new user with a Japanese name in Workgroup Manager.

  1. Click the Accounts button

  2. Click the New User button

  3. Input user's name into the Name field this way:
    • Type the user's last name first (if user's full name is "山田花子", input "山田")
    • Press the Space bar
    • Type the user's first name (if user's full name is "山田花子", input "花子")
  4. Input a password and set others, then click Save

In the above example, "山田 花子" should appear in the Name field. In the Info panel, "山田" appears in the left side ("Last") field and "花子" appears in the right side ("First") field of the Name line.

Published Date: Oct 10, 2016