Error -3234 when trying to update or restore iPod or connecting to the iTunes Store

Issue or symptom

When trying to update or restore an iPod or connecting to the iTunes Store, you may see the following error message: "An unknown error occurred ( -3234), make sure Internet connection is active."


Check to see if you got a security pack with your Internet connection software, if so use these steps to try removing the parental control:

  1. Right-click the TDC-securitypack icon in the Notifcation area (System tray) and choose TDC securitypack from the shortcut menu.
  2. If the "TDC parental control-guide" has not yet been used, run through that first. When this is done, login as an administrator in the TDC parental control.
  3. Click "Installation and update."
  4. Select the products to install and then deselect the box "TDC parental control."
  5. Click Apply Now.
  6. Restart computer and the parental control will be removed.

Now try to update or restore the iPod or connect to the iTunes Store.

Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012