Using Access Control Lists to restrict access to an AirPort Extreme (802.11n) base station

With AirPort Utility and Mac OS X, you can use an Access Control List (ACL) to restrict access to your AirPort base station network to specific computers that you specify. You can export an Access Control list as a text file with AirPort Admin Utility, then use AirPort Utility to upload the list to a new AirPort Extreme (802.11n) base station.

To import an existing Access Control list:

  1. Open AirPort Utility in Mac OS X and select the base station you will be sending the list to.
  2. Configure the base station manually by choosing Manual Setup from the Base Station menu or by pressing Command-L.
  3. Option-click the File menu and choose "Import Access Controls".
  4. Navigate to your saved Access Control list.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012