Final Cut Pro 6.0.1: Incorrect AVCHD clips may be transferred

Issue or symptom

Final Cut Pro 6.0.1's Log and Transfer window allows you to ingest footage from numerous disks, cards, or connected devices. For example, you can transfer footage from a connected AVCHD camcorder as well as from a SD card.

In some cases, it's possible for AVCHD footage from a different clip to appear in a logged clip after it has been ingested. This may happen if you attempt to transfer clips from more than one connected device or mounted volume at the same time.


Have only one connected device or mounted volume at a time in the Log and Transfer window. If more than one volume icon appears in the Log and Transfer window, disconnect or eject all but one.

This document will be updated as more information becomes available.

Published Date: Oct 10, 2016