DVD Studio Pro 4 gives you the choice of playing individual chapters separately, without having to play the rest of a track, by using the Story feature. This may be helpful if you would like a short piece of the track as a preview in your project, for example.
Here is one way you can create buttons that play only specific chapters of a video track in DVD Studio Pro 4:
- Create a Menu that you would want to go back to when finished playing a chapter.
- Import a movie with existing chapter markers (from Final Cut Pro or Compressor, for example), then add to the video track stream in the Track Editor. Or, you can import a movie and add chapter markers in the Track Editor (See the DVD Studio Pro User Manual page 70 for more information).
- In the Track Editor, select each chapter marker you want to play individually, then set the End Jump in the Inspector to the Menu you just created.
- Create a new Story for the Video stream by selecting the Video Track, then from the Project menu choose Add to Project > Story.
- Double click the Story track to get the Story Editor.
- Move all the chapters from the left side of the Editor to the right side.
- Go back to the Menu you created earlier and create a new button.
- Set the button's target to your Story track (this is now your "Play All" button).
- Create a Button for each Chapter you would like to play individually.
- Select each of these buttons individually, then set the Target to the chapter you would like that button to play.
For more information, from the DVD Studio Pro Help menu choose DVD Studio Pro User Manual.