.Mac: Viewing your private Web Gallery album on the Web

If you have published a private album from iPhoto '08 to your .Mac Web Gallery (an album in which you chose "Only me" from the "Album Viewable by:" pop-up menu) , you can access it on the Web via the album's direct URL. If you don't know the URL to your private album, you can find it in iPhoto '08:

  1. Open iPhoto '08.
  2. Select your published album in the iPhoto Source list (under Web Gallery). The contents of the private album appear in the iPhoto viewing area. The URL appears under the title.
  3. Click the arrow to the right of the title to go to the Web Gallery on the Internet.

    Tip: Bookmark the album in your Web browser.

Additional information

For information on publishing protected Web Gallery albums, see ".Mac: Protecting Web Gallery movies with a password". To publish a private album, chose "Only me" from the "Album Viewable by:" pop-up menu (instead of choosing "Edit names and passwords") in the iPhoto publishing sheet.

Published Date: Oct 10, 2016