Disk Copy Scripts Read Me
Create self-mounting image, Floppy insert preferences, and Segment Image are AppleScripts that extend the functionality of Disk Copy, version 6.3 or greater. They are provided as examples of how to use AppleScript to control Disk Copy, and gain access to features not present in the user interface.
This Read Me will explain the basic functions of these AppleScripts.
System requirements
Create self-mounting image, Floppy insert preferences, and Segment Image require Disk Copy 6.3 or greater, and a Mac OS based computer with AppleScript installed.
Script Descriptions
Create self-mounting image will prompt the user to select a disk image, verify it, then let the user save it as a self-mounting image
Floppy insert preferences will prompt the user to decide what action Disk Copy will take if a floppy disk is inserted while Disk Copy is the foreground application. The "Make an Image" button will result in the floppy being saved as a disk image, and the "Copy" button will result in the floppy being copied and restored onto another floppy.
Segment Image will ask the user how they want to segment an image (by size or number of parts), prompt the user to select a disk image, verify it, then save the image segmented.
Using the Script Editor or other AppleScript script editor, the contents of the scripts can be viewed.