Macintosh: Difference Between Install CD and Restore CD

This article explains the difference between software CDs that come with many Macintosh computers.

Many Macintosh computers come with CD-ROM discs: Software Install and Software Restore. These CDs contain similar software, but they provide two different functions.


This disc allows customers to install separate software components. Customers may install the Mac OS, either through an easy or custom installation. Installers for utilities and bundled applications that come with the computer are also usually present.


This disc or discs allows customers to restore the Macintosh computer's software to its original configuration. This disc includes all of the software that came with the computer, including system software. Customers may choose to replace the software on their computer (at least the software that came with the computer), or they may erase the computer's hard disk-including any data files they may have saved and additional applications they may have installed.

After erasing the hard disk, the computer's software is restored to its original configuration.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012