This document contains an overview and download information for the WebObjects 5.4.1 Update. WebObjects 5.4.1 is primarily for developers who want to develop WebObjects applications with Mac OS X 10.5. WebObjects 5.4.1 is formally qualified and supported on the Mac OSX Leopard/Java 5 platform . Please note that WebObjects 5.4.1 is tested to work with the default Xcode installation location and is not guaranteed to work with other installation locations. The upgrade installer always updates the default location for WebObjects frameworks.
This update addresses the following issues:
The WebObjects 5.4.1 Developer Update is available as an ADC download at and It requires Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
System requirements
This update is available through the Software Update feature of Mac OS X Server. It is part of the Mac OS X Server 10.5 update and is not an individual download.
System requirements
ID |
Name |
Description |
Workaround |
1 |
5044578 |
Enum EOAttribute values should be case insensitive |
Enumerated values should be case insensitive |
This issue has been resolved |
2 |
5405227 |
Vertical inheritance does not generate the right sequence table name |
When doing vertical inheritance with sequences the table name inserted in the generated SQL is incorrect. The name inserted is the parent entity even through the parent is abstract and does not have a table name |
This issue has been resolved |
3 |
5511895 |
Fontbase dates are incorrectly formatted with the WebObjects 5.4 Frontbase JDBC plugin |
The time segment is incorrectly formatted if the hour, minutes or seconds are only on digit i.e. 15:15:60 will work but 9:9:9 will generate 9:9:9 instead of 09:09:09 |
This issue has been resolved |
4 |
5516082 |
Deadlock in EOF when creating multiple cooperating object stores |
Deadlock in EOF when calling EOObjectStoreCoordinator.addCooperatingObjectStore() |
This issue has been resolved |
5 |
5544517 |
Generics API definition for NSArray.arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray() causing compile issues |
The method signature for NSArray.arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray(NSArray<E> otherArray) was changed to arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray(NSArray<? extends E> otherArray). |
This issue has been resolved |
6 |
5575439 |
Invalid SQL generated for schema creation with some database plugin |
Invalid SQL is generated for database plugin that does not overwrite createTableStatementsForEntityGroup method. |
The issue has been resolved |
7 |
5605821 |
ClassCastException thrown when serializing/deserializing EOAndQualifiers |
A ClassCastException was thrown when serializing/deserializing EOAndQualifiers |
This issue has been resolved |
ID |
Name |
Description |
Workaround |
1 |
5464564 |
Version number on JavaMonitor page title |
WebObjects version number on login page of JavaMonitor is not updated |
This issue has been resolved |
2 |
5467390 |
JavaMonitor migration tab should be removed. |
Unsupported feature |
The issue has been resolved |
3 |
5614958 |
Files not appearing in JavaMonitor path wizard on Leopard Server |
Files not appearing in JavaMonitor path wizard on Leopard Server |
This issue has been resolved |
ID |
Name |
Description |
Workaround |
1 |
5585707 |
The WOStats page was broken in some instances |
The WOStats page was broken in some instances |
This issue has been resolved |
ID |
Name |
Description |
Workaround |
1 |
5405221 |
Incorrect handling of Ajax Form |
WOForm is not submitted correctly for AJAX request |
This issue has been resolved |
2 |
5405486 |
Default class path in WSDD |
The hard coded default client.wsdd refer to non existent class path |
The issue has been resolved |
3 |
5407816 |
PageFragmentCache is not using the set size |
PageFragmentCache uses the default constructor from LinkedHashMap and never uses the pageFragmentCacheSize on WOApplication. |
The issue has been resolved |
4 |
5474379 |
WODless element, attribute and xml namespaces |
WODless element, attribute are not properly rendered. |
This issue has been resolved |
5 |
5531460 |
WSDL does not includes Types declaration |
The Web Service Registrar need to keep track of required types and include it in the WSDL. |
The issue has been resolved |
6 |
5567988 |
WebServices NSData and NSTimstamp |
WebService NSData and NSTimstamp and incorrectly serialized |
The issue has been resolved |
7 |
5569244 |
Handling corrupted JPEG image header |
Check and handle JPEG header |
The issue has been resolved |
8 |
5573199 |
WebObjects App unix launch script no longer platform independent |
WebObjects App unix launch script no longer platform independent due to some network services detection code. This is now parameterized out for only OS X. |
This issue has been resolved |
9 |
5585621 |
Inconsistencies in http header key handling in WOMessage |
Handle keys set in the internal header dictionary. |
The issue has been resolved |
ID |
Name |
Description |
Workaround |
1 |
3325344 |
NSMutableArray listIterator doesn't implement set() and is broken in other ways |
put(), set() should be supported on collection classes. |
This issue has been resolved |
2 |
5084986 |
NSMutableArray.set(int, obj) is not implemented |
NSMutableArray.set(int, obj) is not implemented |
This issue has been resolved |
3 |
5278732 |
MSMutableArray - subList(...).clear() incorrect implementation |
subList() returns a cloned version of the subList instead of a live view on the underlying array. |
This issue has been resolved |
4 |
5417143 |
Time stamp in WO log file |
The time stamp shows GMT time with local time zone. |
The issue has been resolved |
5 |
5438593 |
MSMutableArray - subList(...).clear() incorrect implementation |
subList() returns a cloned version of the subList instead of a live view on the underlying array. |
This issue has been resolved |
6 |
5515597 |
Plist deserialization does not work when not connected to the network |
This is due to improper lookup of references to 'Apple Computer' instead of 'Apple, Inc' for the DTD reference |
This issue has been resolved |
7 |
5533962 |
NSArray( Object [] ) constructor behavior does not match documentation |
The constructors for NSArray were not properly respecting/ignoring null values according to the documented specification. |
This issue has been resolved |
8 |
5578204 |
NSBundle class loading breaks for embedded frameworks |
NSBundle class loading breaks for embedded frameworks |
This issue has been resolved |
9 |
5606848 |
Conversion from NSData (byte) to HEX String throws exception |
Conversion from NSData (byte) to HEX String throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException. |
This issue has been resolved |