However, if the wrong type of monitor is attached to the iMac, it produces no video even if the can is generating a valid video signal and thus leading to an inaccurate diagnosis of the situation. Apple has seen a number of service providers who have attached older monitors that do not produce a signal on the iMac leading them to replace multiple working parts in search of the fault.
DANGER! This procedure exposes you to high voltages that can result in death or serious injury. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS PROCEDURE IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN CERTIFIED AS AN APPLE-AUTHORIZED TECHNICIAN.
No video
2. Make sure to connect a display that produces video at and supports the resolutions listed below. If the wrong type of monitor is attached to the iMac, it produces no video even if the logic board/mass storage chassis (can assembly) is generating a valid video signal and thus leading to an inaccurate diagnosis of the situation. Apple has seen a number of service providers who have attached older monitors that do not produce a signal on the iMac leading them to replace multiple working parts in search of the fault.
640x480 at 117Hz
800x600 at 95hz
1024x768 at 75hz
Monitors, such as the older sync on green monitors, produce no image when attached to the iMac. Newer monitors that are fixed resolution monitors, even though they may work on a Power Macintosh G3, do not produce a good image on the iMac.
In order to use an external monitor as a troubleshooting aid, the monitor must be one of the newer multiscan, AppleVision, or ColorSync monitors.
Note: If you are still experiencing video problems, refer to:
article 31262: iMac (Summer 2000): Wavy or Flickering Picture on the Screen