The Windows versions of AppleWorks 5 and ClarisWorks show 22 fonts in the Font Menu. The default set of fonts is changeable in a session by choosing 'Other' at the bottom of the Font Menu.
To make fonts appear or disappear from the Font Menu choose Other at the bottom of the Font Menu. Select fonts you want to appear in the Font Menu, and deselect fonts you want removed from the menu. This does not remove the fonts from your computer. When the AppleWorks program quits and reopens the Font Menu resets to the default set.
Also, AppleWorks for Windows offers an option for setting the Default Font, which determines the font AppleWorks uses for new word processing documents. The fonts it offers match the fonts offered in the Font Menu. Like the Font Menu, the Default Font preference change to the 22 default fonts when the program quits and reopens.