AppleWorks 6: Importing AppleWorks 5 Clippings Libraries

This article explains how to import clippings from AppleWorks 5 into AppleWorks 6.
As described in AppleWorks 6 Help, you can import clippings libraries from AppleWorks 5 or ClarisWorks 5 into the AppleWorks 6 clippings palette. However, you must drag the individual AppleWorks 5 clipping library files into the root level of the AppleWorks 6 Clippings folder for the library to show up in the Clippings palette in AppleWorks 6.

Figure 1 Drag the individual library files directly into the AppleWorks 6 Clippings folder

Do not drag install the AppleWorks 5 Library folder, or its subfolders. Do not drag the AppleWorks 5 clippings libraries into subfolders of the AppleWorks 6 Clippings folder. If you put AppleWorks 5 library files into subfolders of the AppleWorks 6 Clippings folder, they will not appear in the AppleWorks 6 Clippings window.

When the libraries are installed correctly, a new, locked tab will appear in the AppleWorks 6 Clippings window for each imported AppleWorks 5 library.

Figure 2 Note the imported, locked tab which represents the imported AppleWorks 5 library
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012