Remote Access: CCL Result Code Listing

This document lists the result codes returned by the Communication Command Language (CCL) used in modem scripts for Remote Access and Internet Connect.

This document lists the result codes returned by the Communication Command Language (CCL). Each result code is shown with a description of the error and the message, if any, that is displayed to the user. If the script executes successfully, have it exit with result code 0. If the script is unsuccessful for any reason, have it exit with one of the error result codes listed in this document. Note that result code -6002 allows you to pass a custom message to the user.

Result code
Message displayed
-6002 Generic CCL error. Supplied by the string parameter in the EXIT
-6003 Subroutine overflow. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6004 The target label is undefined The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6005 Bad parameter error. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6006 Duplicate label error. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6007 Close error. [No message is displayed.]
-6008 The script was canceled. [No message is displayed.]
-6009 The script contains too many lines. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6010 The script contains too many characters. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6011 The CCL has not been initialized. [No message is displayed.]
-6012 Cancel in progress. [No message is displayed.]
-6013 Another script is in progress. [No message is displayed.]
-6014 Exit with no error. [No message is displayed.]
-6015 A label is out of range. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6016 Bad command. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6017 End of script reached; expected Exit. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6018 The match string index is out of bounds. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6019 Modem error; the modem is not responding. Modem not responding. Reset modem, check connections, or check to see that the proper port and modem type were specified in the Remote Access Setup control panel.
-6020 No dial tone. The modem cannot acquire a dial tone.
-6021 No carrier. The modems could not connect. Try again.
-6022 The line is busy. The phone number you are calling is busy.
-6023 No answer. The phone number you are calling does not answer.
-6024 No @ORIGINATE command in the modem script. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6025 No @ANSWER command in the modem script. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
-6026 No @HANGUP command in the modem script. The file for the modem you selected does not work properly. It may be damaged; try replacing the file in the Extensions folder.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012