Power Mac G4: Some Programs May Need to Be Updated to Work With More Than 1.5 GB of RAM

Unexpected results may occur with some applications on a Power Mac G4 computer that has more than 1.5 GB of installed random-access memory (RAM). Updating the software or reducing the amount of RAM to 1.5 GB or less should resolve the symptoms.

Application programs may not recognize the installed memory correctly and may report that more memory is required. One example alert is "This system does not have enough memory." Applications may quit unexpectedly or produce other errors that are resolved if you reduce the amount of installed memory to 1.5 GB or less.


Mac OS X allows Macintosh computers with four memory card (DIMM) slots that can accommodate 512 MB DIMMs to utilize more than 1.5 GB of memory. Some software, including both applications and installers, may not be able to recognize the additional memory, or incorrectly report that only a minimal amount of memory is installed.

The computer and Mac OS X are operating correctly. A change in Mac OS X to attempt to correct this would likely cause applications that are working correctly to behave in unexpected ways.

Possible steps to resolve the issue:
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012