Question 1: What can I do if I forget my AppleShare IP Admin password?
Answer: Follow these steps:
2. Change the Owner information in the Sharing Setup control panel.
3. Go back to Extensions Manager control panel and turn on the Appleshare IP extensions.
4. Restart the server with the Extensions Manager's Restart button.
Answer: Yes. Each volume still contains an invisible AppleShare PDS file on the root level of its directory. You will need to make it visible with a utility like Norton Disk Editor, or ResEdit in order to throw it away. This is normally done when the privileges are corrupt and changes cannot be made t the privileges.
Question 3: Is the Users & Groups Data File shared by all of the AppleShare IP services?
Answer: The Datafile is shared by the AppleShare, Web, Mail, and FTP servers. It is best to keep those services on one server. The Print server does not use the Users & Group data file and can be placed on another server to balance traffic loads.
Question 4: What information is stored in the AppleShare IP 5.0 preference files?
Answer: AppleShare IP 5.0 AppleShare/Web/FTP Server Attributes
General Information
version number for this record
version# for file server
user activity limit in %
maximum client connections
maximum number of guest and anonymous logins
minutes until shutdown
Connect Info & Login Greeting
version number for this record
login greeting
Additional Cache Information
version number for this record
memory to be reserved for other applications
Idle User Information
version number for this record
max # of minute for idle users
disconnect message
Serial Number Information
version number for this record
number of serial numbers in struct
serial number
Serial Miscelleneous Information
version number for this record
name & phone
HTTP Information
version number for this record
Enable HTTP, 1-enable, 0-not enable
Enable HTTP Log, 1-enable, 0-not enable
HTTP maximum client connections
Whether guest allowed for HTTP
HTML folder path vRefNum
HTML folder path volume name
HTML folder path volume creation date
HTML folder path DirID
partial path to HTML file starting from the Web folder
FTP Information
version number for this record
Enable FTP, 1-enable, 0-not enable
Enable Anonymous Login, 1-enable, 0-not enable
AFP Information
version number for this record
Enable AFP over TCPIP, 1-enable, 0-not enable
Enable AFP over AppleTalk, 1-enable, 0-not enable
MIME type changes - Notify server SrvrMimeTypePrefs has changed
version number for this record
no meaning, just for notification
IPFilter Options - Advanced option for filtering IP
version number for this record
A place to store data that will not be used in the future, but is needed to maintain backward compatibility.
version number for this record
Location of server Volume Information window
Show Volume Information window, 1 - show, 0 - hide */
Location of server User Information window
Show User Information window, 1 - show, 0 - hide
Storage for the Admin password
AppleShare IP 5.0 Print Server Attributes
Starting up, Running, Shutting down
Autolaunch print server
AppleShare IP 5.0 Mail Server Attributes
General Information
Minimum Free Space for Mail File
Maximum ServerLog File Size
Maximum Error Log File Size
Message for Delivery Expiration Hours
Maximum Message Size
Mail Store Volume Name
Bounce Server Name
Bounce Zone Name
Bounce DNS Name
Attribute in each user record
AppleTalk Forward Name
AppleTalk Forward Server
AppleTalk Forward Zone
Smtp ForwardFingerprint Length
MU Attributes - only mail server fills in this field
Question 5: Is the "copy volume" command still available?
Answer: Yes. It is now the "Duplicate Folder" command.
Question 6: Can I still compact access privileges?
Answer: No. It is not necessary. It is done automatically by the server software.
Question 7: What AppleShare IP services can I move to different servers?
Answer: All AppleShare IP services have to be installed on Apple Power Macintosh computers.
In addition, Web/File/FTP services use the same the Users & Groups datafile. To make updating Users & Groups easier, you should keep them on the same computer. But, if you have Apple Network Administrator's User & Group Manager - it can be used to keep multiple AppleShare IP server's User & Group datafiles current with the same information.
Print and Mail services can be installed on separate servers.
Question 8: What is the Users & Groups Data File backup?
Answer: It gets created when you launch Web/File server admin. This file is created the first time you launch Web/file server items, and is intended as a backup of Users & Groups data in case you want to go back to earlier versions of AppleShare. It does not get updated beyond creation, and it is documented in readme file.
Question 9: Where is serial number stored?
Answer: It is stored in the Users & Group data file.
Question 10: Can I move my Users & Groups data file to a new System folder after I do a Clean Install or move the server to a different computer?
Answer: Yes, you can move the data file. See the AppleShare IP 5.0 Admin Manual section Appendix D - Changing the Startup Disk for additional information.
Question 11: How can I delete an entire group of users, that is the Class of '98 group and all of its users?
Answer: There is no easy way to do this. The group can be eliminated simply enough but the flexibility of users belonging potentially to different groups makes it difficult to do batch user deletions. There are some workarounds described in the manual starting on page 100.
Question 12: In the ANAT (Apple Network Administrator Toolkit) Users and Groups Manager you can import groups, but you cannot turn on mail. In AppleShare IP users and groups you can turn on mail, but you cannot import groups. Any suggestions for doing both? Will the Santorini Server Manager do this?
Answer: Santorini's Server Manager does allow the importing of users and groups from text files. In addition, you can enable mail for these users after they have been imported.
Other AppleShare IP 5.0 FAQ's can be found in the following articles: