The Web Server supports Automatic Directory Listing. With Automatic Directory Listing, if you browse a URL that is a folder, the Web & File Server automatically produces a clickable directory listing of the contents of the folder. However you must have the appropriate access privileges.
You can override the automatic directory listing by placing a file named index.html in the folder. If a file named index.html resides in the folder when a URL for that folder is specified, the Web & File Server displays the contents of index.html instead of the clickable directory listing.
There is no way to specify another default document named something else, such as default.html, instead of index.html.
Accessing a Folder on the Sever that is not the Specified Web Folder
The information in this section pertains to accessing a folder that is not the specified Web Folder, such as a folder within the Web Folder.
- If the index.html file, or the file specified as the default home page, is removed from the Web Folder or renamed, then an error stating "-404 error File Not Found" appears. The AppleShare Web Server does not provide an Automatic Directory Listing of the selected Web Folder, only other folders.
- If you choose another folder to be the Web Folder, you have to choose another file to be the default home page; the AppleShare Web Server will not let you change the web folder without changing the home page file.
- Folders in the Web Folder that are accessed using the index.html listing should not contain spaces. However, when using the Web Server Automatic Directory Listing, non-standard HTML characters are translated into proper links, which can be clicked on.
- Administrators can see the Short Name that Microsoft Window users will see when they connect to the server, standard MS Windows 8.3 file names, by choosing Disks & Share Points from the Server menu then selecting one of the disks/folders/files or share point and choosing Short Name from the Server menu. When a file is copied to a Windows client, the server changes the name to the name shown by Short Name.