AppleShare IP 5.0: Tips Using the Web Server Automatic Directory Listing

This article contains tips and additional information about using the Automatic Directory Listing feature in the AppleShare IP 5.0 Web Server.
The Web Server supports Automatic Directory Listing. With Automatic Directory Listing, if you browse a URL that is a folder, the Web & File Server automatically produces a clickable directory listing of the contents of the folder. However you must have the appropriate access privileges.

You can override the automatic directory listing by placing a file named index.html in the folder. If a file named index.html resides in the folder when a URL for that folder is specified, the Web & File Server displays the contents of index.html instead of the clickable directory listing.

There is no way to specify another default document named something else, such as default.html, instead of index.html.

Accessing a Folder on the Sever that is not the Specified Web Folder

The information in this section pertains to accessing a folder that is not the specified Web Folder, such as a folder within the Web Folder.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012