Mac OS 8.5 offers a new Navigation Services capability to the Finder and other applications. These services provide enhanced open and save dialog boxes that give you more options when opening and saving documents:
Original Open File Dialog Box:
Figure 1 Original Open File Dialog Box
New Navigation Services Open File Dialog Box:
Figure 2 New Navigation Services Open File Dialog Box
The Navigation Service file dialogs are NOT automatically used in all applications. Applications must be first rewritten to use the Navigation Services. Customers desiring Navigation Services in a third-party application should contact its developer to request this feature.
Mac OS 8.5 makes use of Navigation Services in the Network Browser, the Appearance and File Exchange control panels, and to fix broken aliases.
These new dialog boxes allow you to:
- View files in the dialog box similar to the Finder with disclosure triangles, sorting by name or by date, and in ascending or descending order.
- Display a file preview or thumbnail image.
- Depending on the application, you can switch to other applications while the dialog box is open.
- Resize the dialog box
- Open several files at once by holding down the Shift key as you select files. You can also select multiple files by holding down the Command key as you click. Note that some applications may only allow you to select one file at a time.
- You can drag and drop items into the dialog box. For example, in the Desktop Pictures open/save dialog box, dragging a folder to the dialog box will make that folder's contents appear in the dialog window. New Shortcuts, Favorites, and Recent Items buttons.
- Connect to unmounted AppleShare servers and open and save documents using the Shortcuts button.
Note: The Connect to Server option mounts only AppleShare IP File Servers with a TCP/IP connection. - Add the names of zones, servers, volumes, and folders that you use frequently to a list of favorite items using the Favorites button.
- Choose from a list of recently opened or saved documents using the Recent button.
For more information on the Shortcuts, Favorites, and Recent buttons, select Balloon Help from the Help menu and move the mouse pointer to each button.