The File Exchange 3.0 control panel unites Mac OS Easy Open and PC Exchange capabilities into a single control panel. The control panel is divided into two sections: PC Exchange and File Translation. To access each section, click its tab in the File Exchange control panel.
Choose Show Balloons in the Help menu to get more information about each section of the File Exchange control panel.
- PC Exchange - the PC Exchange section provides the ability to open files from PC DOS disks with Macintosh applications, as shown below:
- Map PC Extension to Mac OS file types on PC disks - turn on this option to automatically map PC files to Mac OS file types based on its PC extension. If this option is not turned on, PC files will be treated as generic text files.
- Open unmapped files on any disk using mappings below - turn on this option to open unmapped files on any disk with the file mappings listed in the window (NOTE: QuickTime Exchange, located in the QuickTime Settings, maps media files before this option takes effect).
- PC SCSI Disks - turn on this option to automatically mount a PC SCSI disk when you start up the computer. If this option is turned off, you can click the Mount Now button to mount the PC SCSI disk after startup.
- Mappings - to add a PC file mapping, click the Add button. The Add Mapping window opens:
Type the .extension type in the Extension field, then select an application to map the file to. If you can't find the application in the application list, click the Select button to choose an application. Use the File Type pop-up menu to select the file type. To view the advanced options, click Show Advanced Options. When you have entered all of the information, click Add.
To remove a file mapping, select the mapping in the window, then click Remove. To edit a file mapping's settings, select it in the window, then click Change.
The PC Exchange section for File Exchange 3.0 cannot be used to identify SCSI ID numbers or drive ROMs and firmware revisions, as was available in previous versions of PC Exchange. This information is now available in Apple System Profiler 2.1.
- File Translation - the File Translation section of File Exchange allows you to specify settings for translating files from one file type to another.
NOTE: Previous versions of Mac OS included MacLinkPlus translation software from DataViz. This software provided software translation capabilities similar to File Exchanage and is no longer included with Mac OS 8.5.
- Translate documents automatically - turn on this option to enable automatic translation of documents when opened from the Finder or from dialog boxes.
- Always show choices when translating files - turn on this option to show the available choices when translating files instead of using the default translations.
- Don't show choices if there's only one - turn on this option to limit showing of available choices to more than one.
- Include applications on servers in translation choices - turn on this option to search connected server volumes for application choices. NOTE: selecting this option delays the display of translation choices.
- Translation Preferences - the file type and application to be translated to is shown in this window (see below). To add a translation preference, click Add:
Select the file type that you want to add a translation for, then click Continue . A list of available applications to translate the file to is displayed. Select the application you want to translate the file to, then click OK. To remove a translation preference setting, select it in the window, then click Remove.
For additional information on how to use this feature, click Help or open the Help Center (from the Help menu) and type the name of the feature. Balloon Help can also answer questions about window contents, window controls and menu items in the Finder, control panels and applications, where supported. To turn on Balloon Help, choose "Balloon Help" from the Help menu in the Finder.