Settings in the Internet Control Panel are only functional for third-party applications that are designed to support Internet Config. Changing information in the Internet Control Panel may change similar information in one or more applications. Not all applications will use all of the information settings. See the documentation for each application for details.
To access the Internet control panel, select Internet in the Control Panels folder. When first using the Internet control panel, the default Internet setting is named "untitled". To rename this set, select Rename Set from the File menu:
Figure 1, Rename Set window.
Type a new name for the set and click the Rename button.
To add a new set, select New Set from the File menu. Type the name for the set, then click the Save button.
To switch between active sets, select the set from the pull-down menu:
Figure 2, My Settings pull-down menu of Internet control panel.
There are five sections of settings within a set: Personal, E-Mail, Web, News, and Advanced. To begin editing these settings, click the disclosure triangle next to Edit Sets:
Figure 3, Personal settings.
For help with editing information, select Balloon Help from the Help menu. Move the mouse pointer to each section for an explanation of the type of information you can enter or edit.
Personal - The personal section is where you enter information about yourself that will be used by Internet applications to identify you to other users. When you click the Edit Sets disclosure triangle, the following window is displayed:
E-mail - The E-mail section is where your user name, password, mail servers and some common e-mail application settings are entered. All information except the application settings must come from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or your network administrator:
Figure 4, Email settings.
Web - The Web section is where you enter some common web browser settings:
Figure 5, Web settings.
News - The News section is where you enter information used to access a news server. This information is used by your news reader application to retrieve news groups and postings:
Figure 6, News settings.
Advanced - The Advanced section allows you to enter more advanced settings. To access the Advanced settings, select User Mode from the Edit menu, then selected the Advanced setting. The Advanced section tab appears:
Figure 7, Advanced settings.
The Advanced section contains settings for File Transfer (FTP), Helper Apps, Fonts, File Mapping, Firewalls, Messages, and Hosts. For help with changing the Advanced settings, select Balloon Help from the Help menu and move the mouse pointer over each section.
After you have completed editing settings for a set, select Save Settings from the File menu.
For additional information on how to use this feature, click the Help button or open the Help Center (from the help menu) and type the name of the feature. Balloon Help can also answer questions about window contents, window controls and menu items in the Finder, Control Panels and Applications, where supported. To turn on Balloon Help, choose "Balloon Help" from the Help menu in the Finder.