Mac OS 8.5: Printing PDF Files in the Background

I have noticed .PDF files print in the foreground. Installed on my Macintosh are Mac OS 8.5, LaserWriter 8.6, and Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 (3.01).
Printing .PDF files in the background from Adobe Acrobat Reader and LaserWriter 8.6 is possible after installing and enabling Adobe Type Manager ( ATM), in the Control Panels folder.

Although ATM ships with Acrobat Reader, it does not get installed automatically. Therefore, locate ATM in your Adobe Acrobat 3.0 folder and either drag it on top of the System Folder or directly into the Control Panels folder, then reboot your Macintosh. Note the default setting for ATM is active; however, if ATM is set to off, you will not be able to print in the background until you open the ATM Control Panel and set it to on.

If you need a current copy of Acrobat Reader and ATM, they are on the Mac OS 8.5 CD (CD Extras: Acrobat Reader).
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012