2. If the modem ROM was updated, it returns the following message in the status window: "This updater contains the same firmware as the modem. Check www.apple.com/support for a more current version of Apple Modem Updater.
2. The System Profile tab contains an item named Network Overview. Click the Network Overview disclosure triangle to reveal the modem information.
3. If the Apple Modem Update has been successfully installed the modem version information should show "V2.300-V90."
Using a terminal program, enter the following command and press the Return key.
If the modem's firmware has been updated, the following information is returned:
If the modem firmware has not been updated, the following is returned:
Note: Apple Remote Access is included with Mac OS and can be used if you do not have a terminal program. For information on using Apple Remote Access for this purpose, please see article 24775: "Remote Access: Using the Terminal Window to Send AT Commands"