To optimize reception between a base station and an AirPort-capable computer, you may need to adjust the placement of the base station or computer.
Check the location of the AirPort Base Station. Place the base station in a good, clear, central location, where there is little or no interference.
In some environments, rotating or changing the orientation of the base station or computer can affect reception.
In Mac OS 9, use the Optimize Placement feature in the AirPort Admin Utility to verify that you have good reception in the locations you wish to use the system. If reception is not optimal, move or change the orientation of the base station or computer until you get an acceptable signal.
Use the AirPort Admin Utility to change the channel on the AirPort Base Station.
For more information on optimizing the placement of one or more AirPort Base Stations, refer to the "Designing AirPort Networks document." The AirPort Installer may have saved this document on your hard disk. It is also available from Apple Downloads.
Important: Wireless Internet access requires an Internet service provider (fees may apply) and AirPort (or AirPort-compatible) wireless Ethernet card and base station. Some Internet service providers are not compatible with AirPort. Read more about AirPort requirements for wireless Internet access.