Welcome to iMovie 2.0.1, an application that integrates digital video (DV) capture, scene editing, titling, transitions and effects, and audio to create broadcast-quality movies. This version of iMovie 2.0.1 does not include the Tutorial media that usually accompanies the CD version.
For the latest news and information about iMovie, along with a list of qualified camcorders and DV devices, go to the iMovie World Wide Web site at http://www.apple.com/imovie
The following topics are covered in this document:
System requirements
Installing iMovie
Using iMovie
System Requirements
Installing or Reinstalling iMovie
Before you install:
2. Delete any older versions of iMovie by dragging the iMovie application folder to the Trash icon.
Note: If iMovie was pre-installed on your computer in the Applications folder, the Installer will create an iMovie folder on the main level of your hard disk. To restore iMovie to its original location, drag the new iMovie folder to the Applications folder on your hard disk.
Using iMovie
To learn how to use iMovie see the iMovie online help. In iMovie, choose iMovie Help from the Help menu.
For late breaking news and troubleshooting please refer to appropriate topics in iMovie Help.
Plug in any required devices before opening iMovie. Do not unplug devices while iMovie is open.