1. Be sure that all of your software is up to date. Please refer to article 58821: "
Macintosh Manager: Recommended Software Versions".
2. Extensions isolation.
3. Determine if the issue is Client or Server specific.
a) If all Macintosh Manager clients are affected, it is likely to be a Server specific issue. Create a new test user and test workgroup and retest the issue. If you are still unable to log in, then follow the Network Troubleshooting steps in step 5.
b) If specific clients are affected, it is likely to be a Client specific issue addressed in step 4.
4. Drag relevant preferences to the Trash. Use the list below to determine which apply to your configuration:
Macintosh Manager clients
Drag the following items to the Trash:
ClientStartupDisk: System Folder: Preferences: Multiple-Users:
ClientStartupDisk: System Folder: Preferences: Macintosh Manager Prefs
ClientStartupDisk: System Folder: Preferences: Client Prefs
Multiple Users clients
Drag the following items to the Trash:
- ClientStartupDisk: System Folder: Preferences: Multi-User Items:
- ClientStartupDisk: System Folder: Preferences: Multi-User Prefs
Note: Macintosh Manager clients mean they bind to a Macintosh Management Server. Multiple Users clients mean they do not bind to a Macintosh Management Server but rather use local databases. When deleting local preferences (only for Multiple Users clients), some reconfiguring of the Multiple Users control panel is needed to continue testing the issue.
If deleting the preferences listed above did not resolve the issue, then drag the following items from the client's Preferences folder inside the System Folder to the Trash:
- AppleTalk Preferences
- TCP/IP Preferences
- AppleShare Prep
5. Check Network connections.
a) Verify network connectivity from System Access. Check AppleTalk and TCP/IP connectivity while in System Access. If you do not have network connectivity issues and this is a Client-specific issue, skip to step 6. If you do not have network connectivity issues and this is a Server-specific issue, then follow the steps in article 88023: "Macintosh Manager: Recovering an Unusable Database". If you do have network connectivity issues, proceed to step 5b.
b) Verify your Network settings, making sure you have proper subnet masks and the router/gateway address is in your subnet. Take note if your clients use DHCP or have static IP addresses. Also note your interface setting (AirPort or Ethernet or Ethernet slot x).
c) Be sure Spanning Tree Protocol is disabled as described in article 30922: "Spanning Tree Protocol: AppleTalk Issues".
d) Be sure to use Category 5 (Cat 5) Ethernet cable for proper 100-BaseT connections. Try swapping out with known good Ethernet cables. Also, try using another node (port) on your hub or switch.
6. If issue persists, additional software troubleshooting is required as follows:
a) Remove and reinstall Macintosh Manager on the affected client computers.
b) Remove and reinstall the AppleShare client software on the affected client computers.
c) Remove and reinstall Open Transport on the affected client computers.
7. If this is a client specific issue and none of the above steps have resolved it, perform a clean installation on the affected computers.