AppleShare IP 6.1: Installation Notes

AppleShare IP 6.1 ships with a Mac OS 8.5 CD. Detailed steps on how to install both the operating system and AppleShare IP (ASIP) can be found in the "Getting Started with Mac OS 8.5 Server" manual that shipped with the software. A text file entitled "ASIP 6.1 Upgrade Instructions" can also be found on the CD, with information for users who are upgrading from a previous version of ASIP. For seasoned administrators and technical support engineers, outlined below are the steps involved for:
  • Upgrading. Installing over a previous version of AppleShare or AppleShare IP.
  • Upgrading with Clean Install: Upgrading a previous version of AppleShare, but doing a clean install of the OS at the same time.
  • New Install. Installing Appleshare IP on a machine for the first time.

When ASIP 6.1 is being installed over a previous version of ASIP (not doing a clean installation).

Upgrading with Clean Installation

This process creates a new System Folder, and should be used whenever the integrity of the existing System Folder is in question.

New Install

This process should be followed when setting up a server for the first time.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012