Selecting a default AppleTalk zone requires a Terminal window since it must be done from the command line. To select a zone, follow these steps:
1. Stop all processes that may be using AppleTalk. These include, AppleFileServer and MacintoshManagementServer.
2. Open a Terminal window if one is not already open.
3. Type "appletalk -d" at the command line and press return.
4. Type "appletalk -u" and press return.
5. There should be a list of zones available and a prompt asking for the number of the zone you want to select. Type the number of the zone and press return.
The AppleTalk zone configuration on some networks may cause an error message stating 'message too long' when this procedure is attempted. If that occurs substitute 'appletalk -x' in place of the 'appletalk -u' in step 4.
Mac OS X Server AppleTalk based services will now appear in the selected zone. The default zone is stored in /etc/appletalk.nvram file.
These steps are not necessary if routing AppleTalk since the default zone can be selected in Network Preferences.