Mac OS 9: About Persian Language Support

This article contains the Read Me document for the Persian Language Support feature of Mac OS 9.

The Persian Language Kit Support disk image is included on the Mac OS 9 disc in the CD Extras folder, in the Language Kit CD Extras Folder.

Note: The Persian Language Kit requires a component of Mac OS called WorldScript I. The Read Me below does not mention this. Before following the installation steps provided below, use the Custom Install feature of your Mac OS 9 install CD to install WorldScript I. Select Customized Installation for Mac OS, and click the International checkbox to select it.
About Persian Language Support

The Persian disk image contains software that allows you to use the Persian language with Mac OS 9.0. This document describes how to install the software and any issues you might encounter.

Using Persian Language Support

The Persian disk image contains the Persian script itself, a Persian keyboard, Persian fonts, and the Persian Setting control panel.

Installing Persian

IMPORTANT The Persian script cannot be installed at the same time as the Arabic script. If you have already installed Arabic support, remove it using the Custom Remove option of your Mac OS 9.0 installer before you attempt to install the Persian script. It is possible to use Persian together with Arabic by only installing the keyboard and fonts, but then sorting will follow Arabic conventions and localized applications will run with Arabic fonts.

If you do not have Arabic installed, you can install Persian by dragging the following items to your closed System folder icon, in this order: the Persian fonts inside the Fonts folder, then the Persian script inside the Persian Script folder, then the Persian Setting control panel inside the Control Panels folder. Do not install the Persian keyboard.

If you do have Arabic installed, you can add limited Persian support by dragging the following items to your closed System folder icon, in any order: the Persian fonts inside the Fonts folder, and the Persian keyboard inside the Keyboards folder. Do not install either the Persian script or the Persian setting control panel.

You must restart your system after installing Persian before you can use it.

Persian Localized Version of SimpleText

This is a version of SimpleText whose menus and dialogs are in the Persian language. To install it, drag it to your hard disk.

IMPORTANT The Persian version of SimpleText can only be used if the Persian script is installed. It will not work correctly using the Arabic script.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012