Mac OS 9: Resolving Software Conflicts After Installation

If your computer does not start up properly or behaves erratically, you probably have an incompatible extension, control panel, or application.
Step 1: Verify the Problem

To verify that you have a compatibility problem, follow these steps:
If the problem no longer occurs, you probably have an extension or control panel that doesn't work with this version of the Mac OS. Continue with the steps in "Test Individual Extensions and Control Panels," next, to identify the item that is causing the problem.

If the problem still occurs, try checking your hard disk for problems using the Disk First Aid utility, provided on the Mac OS CD. If the problem occurs only when using a certain program, that program is probably not compatible or may need to be reinstalled. Check with the program's manufacturer for information.

Step 2: Test Individual Extensions and Control Panels

To test an individual extension or control panel for compatibility, follow these steps:
If you find that a piece of software is incompatible, turn it off or remove it from your computer, then contact the manufacturer of the software to see if an updated version is available.

Related Documents

30929 Mac OS: Extension Conflict Troubleshooting/Extensions Manager Features

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012