Mac OS 9: Open Control Panels Listed in Application Menu

With Mac OS 9, open control panels appear in the Application menu.
In Mac OS 9, control panels are treated as if they were individual application programs. Like applications, all open control panels are listed in the Application menu.

In previous versions of Mac OS, some control panels shared memory with the Finder or System. If a control panel failed, it could cause the Finder or System to stop responding, or "freeze." Under Mac OS 9, when a control panel fails, it quits and the message "Application Unexpectedly Quit" appears.

Some control panels must run in the Finder's memory partition to work with Mac OS 9. As a workaround, you can open such a control panel in the Finder's memory partition by holding down the Command and Control keys while opening the control panel. This technique works only for control panel files containing a 'cdev' resource. Because this is only a workaround, you should check with the control panel's publisher or programmer for an update.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012