Web-based Remote Admin lets you use a Web browser to manage many of the AppleShare IP services.
If your password doesn't work:- Your password must consist only of 7-bit characters (the standard ASCII character set). Use Mac OS Server Admin to change your password.
- If you use Netscape to log on to Web-based Remote Admin, use the Shift key, not the Caps Lock key to enter uppercase characters in a password.
If you are unable to connect through a Web browser:- Make sure file services are running on the computer that's acting as your Web server.
- Make sure Web service is turned on.
- Make sure remote administration is enabled (in the General panel of the Web Server Settings window).
- Make sure you've entered the correct URL into your Web browser program (http://<your Web server's DNS name>/.admin)
- Make sure you've enabled your Web server plug-ins by selecting "Enable Plug-ins" in the Plug-Ins panel of the Web Server Settings window.
- If you've configured your Web server for a single domain, make sure the Remote Admin folder is located inside your default Web folder. If you move, rename, or delete the Remote Admin folder or its contents, you may not be able to connect.
- If you've configured your Web server to support multiple domains, you must move the Remote Admin folder from the default Web folder to the Web folder specified in the first entry of your Multi Domain Settings file. To access Remote Admin, you must use the DNS name or IP address specified in the first entry in the Multi Domain Settings file.
- Make sure you haven't set up TCP Filter Admin to restrict access to Web-based Remote Admin from your computer's IP address.
- Make sure your Web browser has Java enabled.
- Try quitting your browser program, then open it again and enter the URL for Web-based Remote Admin.
If you log on to Remote Admin and are asked to log on again:- If you press the Reload button in your browser, you must log on again.
If you see a "404" error message:- Reinstall the Remote Admin folder on your server.
If you see a "504" error message:- Try adjusting the current file server activity to less than the maximum. The Remote Admin CGI may not be getting enough processing time.
- Try disabling any proxies in your browser and try again. There may be a network configuration error.
If you see an error message with no number:- Make sure you've entered the correct URL and try again.
If you receive proxy timeout errors when you try to make changes using Web-based Remote Admin:- Ask your proxy server administrator to give you Write access for the Web server.
- If this is not possible, then disable any proxies in your browser and select the option to connect directly to the Internet.