AppleShare IP 6.3: Serial Number Issues

This article provides troubleshooting information for AppleShare IP 6.3.
When you set up AppleShare IP, you need to provide the serial number on the sticker included with your AppleShare IP materials. You'll also need the serial number if you have to reinstall your computer's software, or if you're having problems with your serial number. A serial number looks similar to this:

Important: For convenience, your serial number comes printed on a small adhesive label. Don't put the adhesive label on a removable media disk. The label could come loose and damage the drive.

You've lost your serial number

If you lose your AppleShare IP serial number before you set up AppleShare IP, contact the appropriate Apple support representative in your area or contact AppleCare Technical Support to request a new serial number. You'll need to provide your identification and purchase information.

Displaying your serial number

If you lose your serial number after you start your AppleShare IP server, follow these steps to display your serial number:

You see "duplicate serial number" or conflict alerts

When the AppleShare IP server starts up, it checks your computer's network for other computers using the same serial number. If no matching number is found, your serial number is encrypted and registered on the network. If the AppleShare IP server detects a matching serial number, it displays a message. When you click OK, the server program quits.

If you have AppleShare IP 6.3.3, the Mac OS Server Admin modules do not load if a duplicate serial number is detected. An error message appears for each module (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 Error text generated by Mac OS Server Admin

Your computer may detect a duplicate serial number on the network if:
If you see the duplicate serial number message, try these suggestions:
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012