Mac OS 9: Multiple Users - Microsoft Applications Won‘t Launch

I have set up a number of panels users and have noticed that when they open Internet Explorer 4.5, the computer will not open the application or will sometimes appear to be frozen. What can I do to prevent this?
Some Microsoft applications, including Internet Explorer 4.5 and Office 98 components, will open an installer or self-repair application the first time they are run. This application will in turn attempt to place items in the System Folder, to which the user may not have access privileges. When setting up multiple users it is also likely that you gave the user access to the Microsoft application you wanted the user to be able to run, but did not give the user access to the Microsoft First Run application.

To avoid this issue, launch any applications such as Internet Explorer, Excel, Word and PowerPoint at least once from the owner environment before giving a Limited or Panels user access to that application.

This issue is not limited to only Microsoft applications, but can happen with any program that uses a similar installation method. It is a good idea to install applications from the Owner environment and to make sure each application runs correctly in the owner environment before giving other users access to the application.

For additional guidelines on setting up a Multiple Users environment, refer to Mac Help from the Help menu.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012