Mac OS 9: Hard Disk "Unrecognized" Message When Starting Up From Mac OS 9 CD

When installing Mac OS 9 by starting up from the Mac OS 9 CD, some hard disks behave as if they are damaged and unreadable, when in fact they are not. This article describes the exact symptom and offers the solution.

When starting up from the Mac OS 9 Installation CD (by pressing the 'c' key during startup), a dialog box may appear stating that the computer's hard disk is unrecognizable and asks if you would like to initialize (erase) it.

Products Affected


Apple has identified an issue with a limited number of hard disks that result in this message when starting up from the Mac OS 9 CD. The files and directory structure on these drives are not modified or damaged in any way. To resolve the situation:

Since the Mac OS 9 CD has been selected as the startup volume the "c" key should not be pressed at startup. After installing Mac OS 9 you should open the Startup Disk control panel and select the internal hard disk as the startup volume.

Figure 1 Startup Disk control panel showing Mac OS 9 CD selected as startup disk.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012