Disc Burner: How to Use Saved Disk Images

This article explains what to do with the Disk Copy image file named "DiscBurnerImage" that may be created if a burn did not successfully complete.

Disc Burner gives you the option of saving the data you are attempting to burn as a Disk Copy disk image file if an alert box with any of these messages appears:

Once you address the issue that prompted the burn to stop, follow the steps below. See Figure 1 for help in identifying the respective icons of the files mentioned because some of the names can vary.

Figure 1 File icons

A. The DiskBurnerImage file moved from the preferences folder to the desktop

B. The disk image file (with the default name) made available on the desktop when you double-click the DiskBurnerImage file.

C. The CD-R/CD-RW disc icon representing the blank disc with the default name.

Follow these steps to burn a disc from the saved DiscBurnerImage file:

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012